Glacier for High-Net-Worth.

Bespoke secure solutions for High-Net-Worth and Family Offices.

Managed Services & Features.

Text & Calling.
End-to-End encrypted messaging, voice calls, video calls, and file sharing in a secured private enclave for your most sensitive conversations.
Secure Files.
End-to-end encrypted, zero-knowledge content collaboration designed to safeguard digital valuables with the highest classification in the cloud.
Threat Intelligence.
Unparalleled visibility into devices, apps, networks, and OS firmware to detect emerging threats with high fidelity.
Increases uncertainty for attackers, reduces window of opportunity, increases cost of attack and keeps user devices anonymous.
Device Procurement and Hardening.
Each device is procured safely and configured in-house before delivered to the end user with personal training and onboarding.
Vulnerability Assessments.
Identify and prioritize the physical and cybersecurity vulnerabilities of client assets and implement protective solutions.
Threat Statistics
  • 25%
    users click links from spoofed or unknown senders
  • 45%
    executive leadership is exposed to a network threat within 4 months of initial operation
  • $250,000
    cost to remediate a mobile device incident with corporate & financial data
“Glacier offered us more than an application, it's a world-class service that's given us peace of mind with our sensitive communications.”
Mark V.
Washington, DC
Glacier Guardian
Turnkey secure communications and mobile security.
  • Hardened mobile devices
  • Threat detection and mitigation
  • White glove service
Get started.
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A Glacier team member will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss high-net-worth solutions.