Release Notes

Introducing Glacier Security Hub

Today we’re excited to launch Security Hub into our line of products built for securing mobile devices and sensitive communications.

Security Hub will provide teams & organizations insight into the security of their mobile device fleet while protecting the privacy of their users. Security Hub can detect compromise, critical security updates, and poor device security hygiene such as disabling screen lock and biometric security features.

The goal of Security Hub is to increase the security posture of our user’s devices while promoting native security settings built into Apple and Google operating systems.

Security Hub does not require privacy invasive tools like Mobile Device Managers (MDM) to detect compromise. Organization administrators can enable reports with device insights and receive instant alerts when a device is at high risk or compromised.

In a 2021 survey of 856 professionals responsible for the procurement, management or security of mobile devices, 40% of respondents said that they think that mobile devices are the company’s biggest IT security threat. 76% said that they’d come under pressure to sacrifice the security of mobile devices for expediency¹.

Security Hub is now available for iOS and Android users. Organization admins will receive additional updates about setting up Security Hub in the next few weeks. If you have any questions please reach out to us at

[1]: Verizon. Mobile Security Index

April 18, 2021
Team Glacier